Queens Daily Photo

A Photo Blog of the NYC Borough of Queens.

06 November, 2006

Bohemian Hall

The Bohemian Hall is the location of the Benevolent Bohemian/Czech Society of New York but also the location of my favorite place in all of Queens (and NYC): The Beer Garden! It's a fantastic place that holds about 10,000 square feet of open space full of outdoor benches where one could easily mistaken for a Central European park. It has a wide selection of beers (and food) including the best beer in the world on draught: Hoegaarden (I know I've said before and I'll say it many times again - I love Hoegaarden!). Although it's gotten very cold lately I still stop by every chance I get :).


Blogger Olivier said...

mon parc prefere de NYC, c'est le Bryant Park, je pourrais y passer la journee entiere.
Je ne connais pas ce parc, je note pour mon futur voyage.
Dans les quartiers exotiques, j'aime beaucoup aller a little odessa.

my park prefers NYC, it is Bryant Park, I could spend the whole day there. I do not know this park, I note for my future voyage. In the exotic districts, I like much to go has little odessa.

06 November, 2006 05:00  
Blogger J.P. Hormillosa said...

i looove hoegaarden as well

the beer garten used to be a cool tranquil place but now that all of new york has "discovered" it, it's become such a "hot spot" that it's lost a lot of it's original allure and solitude.

28 June, 2007 14:06  

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