Queens Daily Photo

A Photo Blog of the NYC Borough of Queens.

08 November, 2006

I voted - Voté

Yesterday we had elections in the US for state Governors and members of Congress (Parliament) as well as other measures/ referendums. I know this is not the greatest picture because in fact it was taken by my phone's camera, seeing as I didn't expect to bring my camera to the voting polls yesterday. I still thought that the picture would be interesting. This was my first time voting in Queens and I was quite fascinated with the ballot that was used. There was a huge board of about 1m by 0.75m where you could just flip the switch to vote for your candidate. If you changed your mind you could just flip the switch back up. It seemed like something that must have been installed back in the 1970s but I loved it. I have voted in California 3 times before and the voting method was by punching holes into a piece of paper which just isn't as fun. I'm really looking forward to voting again soon:). Also, notice the use of Spanish on the ballot. It has become officially the unofficial language of New York at this point which is muy bueno :)


Blogger Olivier said...

J'ais toujours ete impressionné par les machines a vote des USA. Je trouve qu'ils font tres compliques. En france, c'est vraiment plus simple (la preuve j'y arrive ;o) ) un bulletin par candidat et on met dans le bulletin choisi dans l'urne.
tu ecris bien le francais, tu l'as appris en france ? Paul Auster disait "le français à new york, ne sert a rien sauf pour commander à manger".
Bon j'arrete de papoter. Bonne soiree

08 November, 2006 15:02  
Blogger magikthrill said...

oui en france c'est plus simple de voter(comme en grece) j'ai appris le francais en grece car on a du apprendre 2 langues etrangeres (anglais et francais ou allemagne - j'ai choisi francais) et l'ete derniere j'ai eu beaucoup des entretiens avec une societe francaise. je peux ecrire en francais un peu mais je peux pas parler bien et c'est pas facile pour comprendre parce'que je ne connais personne francphone :)

08 November, 2006 17:39  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I posted a photo of my ballot too! :) This one is interesting, never have seen it before. Ours was paper and pen, pretty basic.

09 November, 2006 07:06  
Blogger Irredento Urbanita said...

I hope the elections of 2008 give good results for the USA and the world.

Good daily shot

10 November, 2006 06:38  

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